Just Don’t Waste

April 13 2022

How this heartfelt advice from Sir David Attenborough is not only good for the planet but good for your pocket too 🌍💸 Reading time: 2 minutes

“Live the way you want to live but just don’t waste.”

This is the response Sir David Attenborough gave to a five year old boy who asked what he could do to save the planet 🌍

When I came across this quote, I began to think about how this motto can not only benefit the planet but also our financial well-being 💸

In my workshops and seminars, I often speak about the importance of keeping financial security and freedom of choice in harmony. Like many things, this is easier said than done.

Sir David’s motto is one that has helped me and my clients cultivate a more harmonious relationship between financial security and freedom of choice.

David Attenborough recognises that in general, people respond better when they are allowed to ‘live how they want to live’. Rather than tell clients how they should spend their money, I work with them to develop better money habits. We do this in partnership by clarifying what they really want, recognising what has been holding them back and identifying actions that will move them forward.

Living by the ‘do not waste’ motto means that my clients and I are more conscious about saving resources in our home and spending our money on items and experiences that bring us joy and align with our values.

True Financial Well-being: Financial security and freedom of choice in harmony

That is not to say that we never waste money and are immune from financial mistakes, we are human after all. It does mean that we are far less wasteful than before and if we make a mistake, we learn from it and simply begin again. 

It is very satisfying to live by this motto. Think of the feeling you get when you receive something from someone who no longer has need of it but which is perfect for you. Or when you give something for which you no longer have need to someone who is truly appreciative of it 😍

Recently, I wore a bridesmaid’s dress I had in my wardrobe to a wedding of our good friends. I borrowed a dress from my sister for another outing and plan to wear it again to an upcoming wedding. 

Just Don't Waste

For me, the feeling of not wasting money on a new dress that would also require storage in my home is most satisfying. The hair and nails, on the other-hand were non-negotiable 😊 To me they were worth it for the occasions that were in it and definitely best left to the professionals given my very limited skills in those departments 😳

More generally, living by the 'just don't waste' motto has helped me and many of my clients live more frugally but without it feeling like a sacrifice or deprivation.

And that’s the key - bring the right energy towards a desire to change your habits (money or otherwise) and the right actions will follow far easier and with less effort 🗝

For more inspiration on how to develop a harmonious relationship with money, check out our #freeinireland, #betterfortheplanet and #betterformypocket initiatives on social media.

For dedicated support, learn about our MonEase individual coaching programme or get in contact with us through our website, email or social media 💡

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